#Wade Wilson in a fuzzy robe
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Happy Valentine's Day!
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I love when I dress an entire set and then use a close-up image. I have some short video clips I'll probably throw together that show off the rest of the set 👍🏼
Ps. his shoes!
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rovvboat · 6 years ago
What Are Those? - Colossus x Reader
*Requested by the wonderful @emma-frxst - Prompt: What Are Those?*
A/N: henlo!! I know the request was for about something that piotr doesn’t know about / something he doesn’t know how to say in English - but i couldn’t come up with anything ;-; B U TTT it made me think of one specific thing which is kinda unique!! - I’ll attach a picture of it at the bottom ;)) and if any of you readers wanna try it, you could possibly get it from a local store!! 
Really hope you enjoy it! :)
Word count: 1.4k
Summary: There’s a suspicious surprise at the front door from reader, and Wade and Colossus love it. 
‘’Listen, we don’t want these hairy-looking balls. I like that they’re red, but they’re much too hairy for my liking. How is anyone supposed to eat these anyway?’’
You wake up to the sound of Wade bickering with someone at the front door.
‘’Sir, this delivery is for Mr/Ms. Y/L/N. Are they home right now?’’ you hear a familiar voice ask calmly. You quickly get up off the bed and rifle through the closet, looking for your robe. You find the pastel pink cloak and cover yourself with it – securing it with a knot at your waist. You tiptoe back to the bed and lean over Colossus, still sound asleep, and place a kiss on his cheek. Just as you turn around to leave, a hand finds yours and gently tugs at you. You stop and look back as Colossus rises from the bed; stretching out his free hand and bringing it over his mouth to cover a yawn
‘’Good morning, keesa (kitten). Where are you off to?’’
You take a step closer to him as he wraps his arm around your waist. ‘’It’s a surprise.’’ You whisper into his ear before walking towards the door. He smiles at your figure, as you disappear into the hallway.
You trod down the steps as Wade and the delivery man were still arguing about the delivery.
‘’Listen here Mr. Hair Balls Delivery, I have no idea what these are and I have no intention of claiming responsibility for them – even though I would love to. But this is quite clearly a prank, and Wade Wilson does not fall for – ‘’
‘’Ah, Mr. Wilson! I’ve heard many stories about you… Y/N has spoken – ‘’
‘’Hey there, Michael! Is that for me?’’ You ask the delivery man as you take the last step down the stairs.
‘’Michael? So, you’re on a first name basis with the hairy balls man?’’ Wade quips. Michael gives Wade an amused look, then looks back to you and laughs.
‘’Hiya Y/N! Yeap! And I now have had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Wilson as well.’’ He said with a nod to Wade. He lifts the crate and makes his way into the kitchen. It’s filled with ping-pong sized fruits, each of them coloured a bright shade of red with greenish, soft hair-like projections.
They were exactly what the doctor ordered.
You sign the delivery form on the clipboard as Michael helps bring the crate into the kitchen and places it onto the countertop. ‘’These are fresh from the greenhouse. Mr. Jones made sure that you got the freshest pick of the day.’’ He says proudly.
You say a quick thank you to him and he tips his hat at you; ‘’Nice meeting you Mr. Wilson!’’ He calls out before hurrying out the front door back to his van.
‘’Are you fucking kidding me? You really ordered all this?’’ Wade asks in disbelief. ‘’Sorry missy, the only hairy balls I like are– ‘’
‘’Wade, no, please. These are for the kids.’’
‘’WHAT? For the children?’’ Wade exclaims with his hands on his cheek.
‘’What is all this ruckus about?’’ A heavy accent floats into the room.
‘’Hey, Colossus! Your girlfriend’s making us eat these… hairy balls!’’ He accuses dramatically, pointing at the crate. ‘’Please make her stop!’’
Colossus steps into the kitchen – surprisingly, in his human form – and gives you a little kiss on the cheek, before pouring himself a hot cup of coffee. He spots the crate, overflowing with the red berries.
‘’What are those, myshka?’’ he asks, a kind of inquisitive concern plastered on his face. You laugh at that look.
‘’They’re just fruits, bub. And God knows Wade needs more of those in his damn system.’’
‘’These are… fruits? I have never seen such… unique looking fruits before.’’
‘’They aren’t native to America. I found them at a local market in Asia while I was on a mission there! They’re exquisite!’’ You reply.
Both Colossus and Wade look bemused at this statement. You let out a light whine.
‘’Listen, I thought they were weird too. But I saw a bunch of kids eating them and they looked pretty happy with it! I tried one and it was so sweet and fleshy and it felt more like sweet treat than fruits! You gotta trust me on this.’’ You implore.
‘’Fine. But if I choke on these hairy motherfuckers, I’m burning the whole crate.’’ Wade exclaims.
He plucks one of the berries off its stem and inspects it. He sniffs it before opening his mouth, slowly bringing the fruit – thick dense skin and all – towards his gaping mouth.
‘’NO, WADE. Not like that, you moron! You gotta open up the skin first. Like this –’’
You grab one of the rambutans, or mamon chino as they’re called in central America, and skillfully place your thumbs onto the equator of the berry. You apply some pressure, pulling it apart from the ends, revealing its white, translucent flesh. You take it out and show it to the boys.
‘’This right here, is the main event, my compadres. There’s a seed in there. You’re supposed to eat around it, but it’s big enough that you can bite around it while it’s in your mouth! You gotta make sure to throw away the seed though.’’ You present the berry to Wade, who by now is a lot less puzzled and open to eating the much more innocent looking white fleshy berry. He pops it into his mouth and carefully bites on it.
‘’Ho-ly fucksicles, thes-e ah-ren’t hh-alf bad!’’ He says between eating and sucking on the berry. ‘’And they’re this sweet? Bring on the diabetes!’’
You look at him, happy that he’s enjoying the foreign berry. You turn to Colossus, who’s still sipping on his coffee.
‘’Your turn, big boy.’’ You say to him with a smirk. You pick out a bright red berry, nice and ripe – some mildew still on it, adding that much more to its allure – and split it open clean. You present the fleshy berry, still cradled in the half-open skin. He gently takes it out of the leathery casing, and bites a little off the berry.
‘’C’mon Piotr! You’re not getting the full experience here! Put it in your mouth and suck on it!’’
You immediately regret saying it as you hear Wade bellow into laughter.
‘’You probably hear that pretty often, don’t ya Coco?’’ He looks from Colossus, to you. ‘’Wow, way to bring your bed room talk public, Y/N! If you wanted me to join you, you could’ve just asked me straight up, no need to tease.’’
You bring a palm to your face, embarrassed by what’s happened. Colossus gently places a hand on your arm, and you look up to him. He puts the berry into his mouth and closes it; and his eyes widen.
‘’I know better than to doubt your tastes, kisa.’’ He says, clearly pleased with how nice this new fruit tastes.
‘’That was the surprise! See, these are great when you peel them and leave them in the fridge. They’d be a great substitute for ice-cream. I know you’ve been talking about getting the X-kiddos to eat more fruits and I think that if we put like little wooden picks into them, they’d look like round mini-popsicles! And, and – ‘’ you open the fridge to look at all the other fruits inside– ‘’We could also put all the other fruits onto them…’’ You ramble on excitedly as Colossus watches you, neither of you noticing Wade pick out half the fruits from the crate and sneak out of the kitchen.
Colossus wraps his arm around your waist and slowly pulls you to him. Your body twists around as your eyes meet his gaze; tender and warm all over. You tilt your head at him.
‘’What are you looking at?’’ you say with a smile.
‘’The most beautiful soul in the world. ty moye sokróvishche – you are my treasure.’’
Your face turns red within seconds, you look away for a moment, clearly flustered as Colossus laughs. ‘’It is fun seeing you embarrassed. But what I say is from my heart, lyubímaya (beloved)’’
He’s still holding onto you, and you take this chance to pull him in – allowing your lips to meet in a gentle kiss as your hand finds his cheek, and your thumb leaves strokes on the light stubble of his face.  
You slowly break the kiss, and when you take a quick look behind Colossus, you see half the crate’s contents missing.
‘’Oh my God. WADE!’’ You holler after him, spotting a trail of berry stems leading out of the kitchen. You follow the trail looking for Wade, and suddenly you get a fuzzy feeling in your chest and smile, as you detect a hint of coffee and sweet berry on your tongue.
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